MGH Social Service Logos

Please use these logos on all publications and patient education materials.

Logo Guidelines
  1. The logo must always remain intact. All elements of the logo must remain as originally drawn and proportioned and cannot be modified. Do not distort, change proportions or redraw the design elements.

  2. Also, do not reprint the logo from poor artwork, previously printed materials or low-res images from Web pages.

  3. In four-color advertising, the MGH logo must always appear in Pantone Matching System (PMS) 633 and 432, which is the industry designation for a particular dark shade of blue/teal and gray. In one-or two-color advertising, the MGH logo must always appear in black.

  4. No element of the MGH logo may be used to promote non-MGH activities or imply endorsement.

  5. There are rare instances where these guidelines should be flexible. Designers working under unique circumstances should contact MGH Marketing at (617) 724-8499 for direction and the required approval.

  6. Note:  Due to HIPAA regulations, Standard Register will only print envelopes with the MGH return address (not specific departments).

Specifications & Use
