Program Highlight:

Senior Women at Need - Swan Society

The SWAN Society In Boston, Inc., formerly known as the Widows’ Society in Boston, is a non-profit charitable organization that was established in 1816. Their mission is to provided one-time, emergency grants to elderly (65 or over) single, divorced or widowed women who live within a twenty-five mile radius of Boston. Grants typically are made for purposes such as home repairs, utility bills, medical emergencies, and rental arrears, and usually for a maximum of $1,000. This maximum is somewhat flexibile, with the possibility of a higher amount for particularly extenuating circumstances. Their overarching goal is to enable women to continue to live independently in their own homes.

The SWAN Society requires a professional to submit the application. Income, asset and expense information is required. The program is particularly concerned that the applicant is competent, as the checks may be made out to the applicant directly.

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