Soup Kitchens
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Soup Kitchens


    A soup kitchen is a place where food is offered to those in need for free or at a reasonably low price. Soup kitchens sometimes get their food from a food bank for free or at a low price, because they can be considered a charity.


    Soup Kitchens prepare and serve hot meals on a scheduled-basis to those in need.


    You do not need to apply for these programs, and food and meals are offered free of charge. The Project Bread FoodSource Hotline, 1-800-645-8333, has information on all the Massachusetts food pantries and free meals programs. All the shelters in Massachusetts also have information on these programs. Anyone in need is welcome at these programs, though some limit your visits or ask that you meet certain income guidelines. Call before you go.

    Useful Links:

    FoodSource Hotline: 1 (800) 645-8333
    The Project Bread FoodSource Hotline will help you locate a local food pantry. Callers are typically able to receive referrals to food pantries once a month. Assistance is available in 140 languages. The Hotline also provides information on eligibility for the food stamps program and free and low-cost food programs.
